In order to carry out at best this service, it is pivotal to have a holistic aprroach, which embodies the whole suppy chain. By doing so, the consultant will be able not only to solve specific needs, but to set up a pool of activities which will eventually add value to the produce. Therefore SATA will act as decision making supporter, thanks to its know-how and experience in the industry.

Our team is trained to support all firms in the agri-food supply chain that aim to abide by the law (PAN, HACCP, traceability) and get private certifications (ISO 9001, ISO 22000, Global Gap, GRASP, SQNPI, IFS, BRC, QS, LEAF, ISCC PLUS). Since 2017 SATA is the only Italian company that has been awarded with the Global Gap farm assurer title.

Supply chain
Thanks to the deep knowledge of the supply chain, SATA merges the agronomic requirements with the market demands. The supply chain agronomist studies the client’s bsuiness area and then define the best way to satisfy its needs, adding value to both its processes and products.

Since 2014 SATA gained the accreditation from Piedomnt region (cod. D54113) to offer training courses. Such courses, on several topics, are held by up-to-date lecturers, on both the Italian law and European funds and legislation.

Besides offering GEP (Good Experimental Practices) trials, SATA has developed tailor made projects, which take into account several agricultural products (psticides, biostimulants, fertilizers, seeds) with the final goal of developing more sustainable production techniques.

Service meant for all those companies which aim at developing products with an added-value, getting an edge over the competition and eventually being easily recognizable by the consumer